The technique

Bulbs can be planted mechanically under the grass and/or in the soil. This machine cuts open the turf, after which it is lifted. The bulbs are dropped under the grass using a planting foot. The turf is then neatly replaced and pressed down.

The settings on the machine determine how many bulbs you plant per m2, and how deep. Each bulb mix has its own setting. The soil type obviously also influences whether or not mechanical planting is successful. Our experienced planters and advisers have the knowledge and experience to ensure the best possible result.


Action plan

The following aspects can be important for the planning and success of your machine planting project:

A. Location & planning
A number of factors are important in planning and calculating your planting project:

  • Planting location (e.g. tree roots, mowing policy in spring and soil type)

  • Use of planting (strips or an area)

  • Appearance (natural or bulb field style)

  • Choice of bulb mix (consider the specific characteristics listed for each mix)

The advisers from Verver Export will be happy to help you make your choice.

B. Choice of machine
The development of machines at Verver Export is ongoing. New machines have been developed for different products or applications. The special Mechanical Planting catalogue specifies which machine can be used for each bulb mix.

C. Preparation & planting
There are a number of action items for you prior to the actual planting:

  • Mark out the planting location.

  • Planting locations must be watered thoroughly a week beforehand if it is very dry.

  • Mow the grass as short as possible.

  • Provide at least 1 person from your town to supervise the planting convoy and the delivery of the bulbs on site. The bulbs are delivered to you in advance.

  • In good conditions the machine will replace the turf well. In more challenging conditions (strong turf, lots of rain) you may need to carry out some aftercare to restore the turf.

D. Management
Two things are important in the management plan for mechanically planted bulbs:

Inform your mowing team that they can only mow when the bulbs’ leaves have turned yellow.

Preferably organic fertiliser whereby the Nitrogen level is not high and the Potassium level is higher for rich flowering. The fertiliser is applied when the bulb shoots emerge above the grass.


Customised advice

Machine-planted flower bulbs not only give an immediate boost to public green spaces. Flower bulbs also return in the long term in spring, so you are also using a sustainable planting method to add colour.

In the plan of action above, you will find the success factors for a successful machine planting project. However, we are happy to take this worry off your hands. With their knowledge and experience, our experienced planters and consultants will ensure the best possible result.