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  • Latest2024-07-08T15:40:36+02:00

    Facts & News

    We would like to keep you informed of developments and facts from the Dutch flower bulb sector, European public green initiatives and give you a look behind the scenes at Verver Export with the vlogs from Tijmen Verver.

    Would you like to stay informed? Sign up for the Verver Export newsletter.


    Innovation in the flower bulb sector

    Dutch flower bulbs are exported to almost every country in the world. In millions of parks, gardens, and living rooms, consumers enjoy numerous flower bulbs and bulb flowers daily.

    Maximise returns from your flower meadows

    Plant/sow a diversity of plants and flower bulbs A flower meadow is a larger planting consisting of various types of flowers, flower bulbs, and grasses. For flower meadows

    Spring Events

    Verver Export's spring festivals are always well-attended, have a great atmosphere, and are vibrant with colour. Planning a spring event is always challenging, as it depends on when the

    Breeding for resistance

    The future of the tulip! The flower bulb sector is working hard to reduce chemical crop protection products. It is not news that this makes virus control an

    Colourful accents & perennial bloom

    Bulbs colour sustainably your public green spaces Policy makers, administrators, and politicians are calling for attention to green our cities and municipalities. However, greening involves more than just

    Bulbs, annuals, and perennials peat-free

    In determining Verver Export's footprint, peat-free cultivation also comes into play. Besides a wide range of dry bulbs and tubers, Verver Export also provides ready-to-plant concepts with bulbs, annuals,

    Verver Export presents Kit Costa in Montreuil

    On a sunny day in Montreuil, in the picturesque Parc Montreau, a special event took place that highlighted the future of urban greenery and environmental awareness. The event brought

    Crocus festival in Bad Honnef

    On 3 March 2023, a crocus festival took place in Bad Honnef. Mr Habicht-Benthin invited on behalf of the Initiative Wirtschaft Bad Honnef. The Initiative Wirtschaft (IW) has been

    Autumn Magazine 2022

    We are delighted to present you with the Autumn Magazine 2022, a digital publication designed to save paper, but above all to inspire you. And to let you hear

    Exhibitions and events

    Say September, you say exhibitions. Verver Export was well represented in several countries last month. From southern France to eastern Germany and even in Norway and the Czech Republic.

    Biodiversity: act now!

    With their mixture of residential, commercial and green areas, urban conurbations offer a direct experience of nature. Many people discover the value and beauty of biodiversity within the boundaries


    Here you will find the schedule of our activities. Not only do we organise the annual Verver Export spring events ourselves, but we can also be found at various events, exhibitions and conferences. And don’t forget the Outletstores!

    • Spring festival Bucovice: 23rd of April (Czech Republic)
    • Spring festival Kúpele Sliač: 25th of April (Slovakia)
    • Spring festival Ängelholm: 7th of May ( Sweden)
    • Summer Outletstore 2024: 8 to 14 June (The Netherlands)



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