On a sunny day in Montreuil, in the picturesque Parc Montreau, a special event took place that highlighted the future of urban greenery and environmental awareness. The event brought together more than 50 visitors from 20 cities and focused on innovative green initiatives, including a platform with multiple Kit Costa pilots and the impressive PopUpPark concept.

Kit Costa Pilots

One of the highlights of the event was the platform in Parc Montreau, where multiple pilots of Kit Costa were showcased. Kit Costa is a remarkable concept based on a mix of summer bulbs that are mechanically planted and bloom throughout the entire summer. These bulbs require minimal water and maintenance and attract bees, which is crucial for encouraging biodiversity in urban environments.

The name “Kit Costa Montreuilla” was given to the specific composition of summer bulbs chosen in soft shades, including lilies, gladioli, and dahlias. This kit was baptised.

PopUp Park

Another noteworthy concept presented during the event was the PopUpPark. This concept revolves around the use of wooden crates to create temporary green spaces in urban areas. These crates can be quickly installed and offer a flexible way to add greenery to streets, squares, and other public spaces. The PopUpPark concept encourages the reuse of existing materials and promotes green initiatives without making permanent changes to the city.


The event in Montreuil was not only an opportunity to gain inspiration but also to foster collaboration and exchange of ideas among representatives from different cities. It demonstrated that green innovations like Kit Costa and the PopUpPark concept have the potential to transform cities worldwide into more sustainable and livable environments.

Altogether, the event in Montreuil was a great success, emphasizing innovative green initiatives that enhance both the beauty of urban spaces and the well-being of nature. It provided hope for a greener future in cities and inspired attendees to contemplate how they can implement these concepts in their own communities.